What is modern day slavery?
In the present day, modern slavery can be defined as the situation where individuals are exploited by others to gain personal or commercial benefits. This can involve manipulation, coercion, or even force, leading to a severe loss of freedom. While there is no typical profile for victims, this kind of exploitation tends to disproportionally affect the most vulnerable and socially excluded groups in society.
Modern day slavery consists of a number of ways to exploit and manipulate vulnerable people, here are some common scenarios:
Transparency in Supply Chains: Organisations with an annual turnover of £36 million or more are legally required to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement. This statement outlines the steps the organisation has taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in their own business or their supply chains.
However, be aware of The Illegal Migration Bill – which passed into law recently – making it even harder to support vulnerable victims. The new law allows the government to legally detain and remove all people who unlawfully enter the UK.
If you or anyone else you believe is a potential victim you must report this on the GOV website Report modern slavery – GOV.UK. You can also report modern slavery if you are a public member either online or via the contact number 0800 0121 700.
A procedure for detecting and referring possible modern slavery victims and ensuring they get the correct support is referred to as the National Referral Mechanism (NRM).
Considered to have a responsibility to contribute to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) since employers are on the current list of first responders, where staff at designated organisations can make referrals.
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