Corporate Clients

Sponsor Licence and Visas - access skilled workers worldwide

We make employing the best global talent a seamless, trouble-free experience.

UK immigration law is a highly complex and rapidly changing area so for successful sponsor licence and visa applications, it’s good to have experts on your side.

Our OISC regulated advisers are here to take on the burden of the administration, compliance and bureaucracy involved in immigration applications.

So whether you’re applying for a sponsor licence or need individual visas for new recruits, we’ve got the expertise to make the process quick and uncomplicated.

Stress free corporate immigration services for every stage

We’re here to make your life easier and free up valuable time for your inhouse HR teams.

We’ll take on any aspect of your business immigration needs and our services include:

  • Sponsor licence applications
  • Support with compliance
  • Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS)
  • Individual working visa applications

You can contact us for support at any stage of the process, but it’s best to bring us in from the start. 

Become a Premium Client and receive a full end-to-end service.  Our expert team will take care of every step – starting with the application for your sponsor licence, through to the certification and visa paperwork required for each individual.  Find out exactly why our Premium Client package serves you best.

Four reasons you’re better off with SL&V

Using qualified Immigration Advisers to apply for a sponsor licence rather than navigating a complex system yourself brings you undeniable benefits.

Each part of the process needs to be exactly right or later stages may fail or be delayed.  With UK immigration laws changing so rapidly, it’s almost impossible to be totally up to speed without a dedicated adviser on your side.  Getting things wrong means you risk losing your workers or your licence.

With our team managing applications, we can streamline the process, ensuring details are correct from the start, reacting efficiently and accurately to requests for additional information and taking proactive steps to speed up the process.

Often when companies take on immigration tasks alone, different parts of the process are done by different people.  When a query is raised, it can then take hours to work out where mistakes have been made.  All this time your staff are tied up in admin and your business isn’t able to operate at its full potential.

Our leadership team is made up of a qualified Level 3 OISC Immigration Adviser and an ex-Home Office Immigration Officer so we really know our stuff. Whilst most Solicitors have great legal experience, we’re able to add a working understanding of the process from the Home Office perspective.  As your Home Office representatives, we’re also able to gain access to the Sponsor Management System (SMS) which allows us clear visibility and easy management of your licence.